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 1. Geek Speak, KUSP  2003-06-20: Exploratorium's Iron Science Teacher  Geek Speak Shows 
 2. Slick Rick  Slick Rick - Teacher, Teacher  The Great Adventures Of Slick Rick 
 3. Morton Feldman  Morton Feldman, the Exploratorium's Speaking of Music Series, 1986  Morton Feldman in Conversation 
 4. Morton Feldman  Morton Feldman, the Exploratorium's Speaking of Music Series, 1986  Morton Feldman in Conversation 
 5. St. Augustine  Chs 1-4: This work not intended to teach rhetoric. It is lawful for a Christian teacher to use rhetoric. Proper means and age to learn rhetorical skill. The duty of the Christian teacher.  On Christian Doctrine: Bk. 4 
 6. Dr Chris Smith / The Naked Scientists  Naked Scientists 06.09.04 - BA Festival of Science - Monday - Science of Superstition and the Science of Sport  The Naked Scientists Radio Show 
 7. Eclipse  Iron Soldier - Iron Night  Iron Soldier 
 8. Wormwood Star  Giant Iron Iron Killer  Complicity 01:03:00 
 9. Eclipse  Iron Soldier - Iron Night  Iron Soldier 
 10. Mark & Lard  2003/04/18 - Mark & Lard On Radio 1 - Friday 18th April 2003 - Edited  Mark & Lard - Afternoon Shows 
 11. Chris Arnzen  Iron Sharpens Iron   
 12. Dee Dee Warren  Ep.23- Iron Sharpens Iron  The Preterist Podcast ~ 100% Heresy Free! 
 13. Chris Arnzen  Iron Sharpens Iron   
 14. Dr Chris Smith / The Naked Scientists  Naked Scientists 06.09.05 - BA Festival of Science - Tuesday - Diet, Exercise and Environment and the Science of Antibiotics  The Naked Scientists Radio Show 
 15. Erica Gangsei  The influential Physicist's determinations about Science are reflected in his associate's textbooks & why this shift in the purpose of Science is interesting  Kalil Oldham's Physics Talk 
 16. Caroline Adenberger  The Jefferson Science Fellowship – Integrating Science into Diplomacy  bridges Vol. 10 
 17. P. Z. Myers  Science Education: Caught in the Middle in the War Between Religion and Science  Atheists, Humanists and Agnostics at UW Madison 
 18. Chris Butaud  Father's Day 2003 - June 15, 2003  Eastside Evangelical Fellowship 
 19. guardian.co.uk  Science Weekly: What did Islam ever do for science?  Science Weekly from guardian.co.uk 
 20. Anti Social  Teacher, Teacher  Anti Social 7 
 21. Sarah Wilson  Teacher's Pet  PetLifeRadio.com 
 22. Ween  Hot For Teacher  -  
 23. Bud the Teacher  Bud the Teacher  www.budtheteacher.com 
 24. Viva La Foxx  Teacher Teacher   
 25. Viva La Foxx  Teacher Teacher   
 26. Keith and The Girl  477: TeacHER  KATG.com 
 27. Just Boys  Teacher's Pet  The ModPopPunk Archives 
 28. Paul Simon  The Teacher  You're The One   
 29. Chad Lewis  TEACHER  1999-2001 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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